Food for Life

Food for Life

Grass Fed Whey • Collagen • Butter • Lucuma • Maple Sugar
More than just a “protein powder”, Food for Life is set apart as an all-in-one product for convenient, delicious macro + micro nutrients to fill the gaps in your daily routine. We combined the highest quality proteins from plants and animals with Organic whole food vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and superfood boosters to power every living cell in your body for every season of your life.
Tasty enough to add just into water or milk of choice, blend it with your favorite smoothie ingredients, or add to baked goods for extra nutrition.
- Delicious and versatile enough for the entire family
- Nothing synthetic, artificial or gross – 100% whole food sources
- Balanced macro and micronutrient profile for complete nutrition + blood sugar

We are living in a time where anything can and will happen. Instead of being overwhelmed financially and emotionally with moving your family off grid and spending years growing your own garden, we wanted to create a solution that was attainable for most families. When our bodies cells run on premium fuel, (putting our own mask on first) we are able to take better care of our families and our communities.
Food for Life is an all in one, Organic and Glyphosate Free source of nourishment that can meet the needs of daily life in any and every season.
Protein is a great tool, but Food for Life is so much more than one macronutrient.
We wanted to create an all-in-one solution to not only meet the daily nutritional needs of our family, but also provide our HRD // KLL community with a nutrient-dense emergency food source.
This is the “all seasons” solution we needed for our family so we created it.
With both plant + animal protein, FFL offers you a complete amino acid profile + a broad spectrum of nutrients that your body needs for nourishment, satiety, recovery, gut health, and overall vitality.
In just one glass you’re getting…
- A wide variety of micronutrients
- A complete, whole food protein source
- Healthy sources of fat + Omega-3s
- Nutrient-rich superfoods
- Prebiotics + digestive enzymes…
…all Organic and Glyphosate residue-free, designed to support your nourishment, satiety, recovery, gut health, energy, and overall vitality.
It’s not just food… It’s Food for LIFE.

1. Are the enzymes used in FFL derived from plants or animals?
The enzymes are from fungi so are vegetarian friendly.
2. Can people with nut allergies consume FFL?
There is no cross contamination of peanuts in the facility.
3. Can someone with a dairy intolerance consume FFL?
The grass-fed whey is from New Zealand and the UK and the standards on growing and caring for livestock is so much more strict than the US. We have hundreds of reviews and testimonies of people with “dairy allergies” that have no issues with FFL and are so excited to be able to consume this Organic Food. It’s also gently dried instead of overly processed…that’s prob why people can tolerate it. But of course every “body” is different…
4. Why is there a “warning” on the bag?
The Prop 65 statement is required by law when any company sells products in the state of California. The warning is seen on products that contain ingredients that come from the ground, as these ingredients could contain very trace amounts of metals.
The warning scares and confuses a lot of people, but unfortunately it is the law. The prop 65 warning is so common in the state of California that it can even be found on every single elevator, parking garage, grocery store, furniture store, organic pasta, lightbulbs, T-shirts, coffee and many nutritional supplements (if they are abiding by the law).
The Prop 65 regulation is extremely strict, as California has the strictest heavy metal testing in the world. For example, fresh spinach naturally contains around 5.2 micrograms of lead in a serving, which exceeds the Prop 65 levels by 10 times. All of our heavy metal testing passes the World Health Organization allowable levels, but we keep the Prop 65 warning on our products just because we sell in California.